The Process of Aluminium Fabrication
Due to its malleable and lightweight nature, aluminium is a metal that is used throughout numerous industries. Corrosion resistance and its ability to stand up to an appreciable amount of wear and tear are two other attributes which can never be overlooked. However, many consumers are unaware of the steps that need to take place behind closed doors in order to construct a finished product. Let us, therefore, take a quick look at the basics of aluminium fabrication as well as some of the primary techniques that are involved.
The Aluminium Fabrication Process at a Glance
Love Aluminium has been perfecting the fabrication process for years and thanks to the bespoke methods involved, we are able to offer turnkey solutions that are based on the needs of the client.
The preliminary step before fabrication is obtaining high-quality aluminium from various sources. Options can include recycled materials as well as bulk aluminium supplied by dedicated production plants. Once the metal arrives in its raw form, it is manipulated by various means. There are normally a number of steps involved and without a constant attention to detail, the finished product would never meet the demanding specifications of our customers. It is, therefore, wise to examine some of the turnkey processes that are involved in the aluminium fabrication industry.
CNC machining
One common method is known as CNC machining. CNC is an acronym for Computer Numerical Control. By inputting data into a machine through the use of specialised software, our technicians are able to cut, mould and shape an aluminium blank into nearly every dimension imaginable. Another massive benefit of this method is that highly precise components can be made. CNC machining is often used to fabricate aircraft parts, complex engine components and even surgical instrumentation.
Punching and pressing
Another technique that we employ at Love Aluminium. As the name may already suggest, an aluminium slug or blank is moulded into a specific form through the use of hydraulic presses and dies. While this may be done when the metal is still very hot, it is also performed when the aluminium is at room temperature. This is known as “cold pressing” or “cold stamping”.
Drilling and tapping
There can also be times when complex forms need to be made through the use of extremely precise techniques. One method to accomplish this is through the use of drilling and tapping. The metal substrate can be shaped to within microns of the intended dimensions. This process is generally controlled through computerised machinery therefore it is highly exacting. Some parts that can be formed through drilling and tapping include camshafts, automotive tools and specialised tyre rims. These methods are generally employed once the basic structure of the aluminium substrate has been formed.
The bulk production of aluminium products represents a truly massive industry. Tent poles, sports equipment and window frames can all be manufactured with this metal. Cutting to length is a final aluminium fabrication process that should, therefore, be mentioned. This ductile metal can literally be cut to nearly any length imaginable; a pronounced benefit for both distributors and end users. As always, Love Aluminium applies highly sophisticated techniques to ensure that any order is completed to the exact specifications.
Modern Aluminium fabrication is as much of an art form as it is a constantly evolving science. Love Aluminium embraces both ends of this spectrum. We are pleased to be able to satisfy the requirements of even the most demanding clients and as always, we will continue to refine our techniques in the future.